
The Kansas Office for Refugees is federally funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement to develop programming for refugees across the State of Kansas. These programs are listed in detail below.

The RCA program ensures that refugees and other Office of Refugee Resettlement eligible populations who are not eligible for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families or other cash assistance programs and who are not yet self-sufficient have direct financial assistance based on income eligibility for a period no greater than twelve (12) months.

The MS program, in partnership with local healthcare providers, health departments, and Resettlement Agencies, provides a comprehensive health screening exam, including a mental health screening, to all new refugee arrivals.

The purpose of the health exam is to:

  1. Follow up on any condition identified in the overseas medical examination.
  2. Identify and treat individuals with communicable diseases.
  3. Identify conditions that may negatively impact an individual’s ability to become self-sufficient.

RMA is an insurance program for a period of twelve (12) months for refugees who are ineligible for the Children’s Health Insurance Program, Medicaid, or any other public or private insurance

EMP services are provided to the Office of Refugee Resettlement eligible population to achieve long-term employment and financial stability for themselves and their families. EMP services may include:

  1. Development of a Family Self-Sufficiency Plan (FSSP), an Individual Employability Plan (IEP), job orientation, job search & referrals, and placement.
  2. Employability Assessment Services which include aptitude and skills testing.
  3. On-the-Job Training (OJT).
  4. Vocational Training, which includes job certifications and licenses and driver education programs.
  5. Skills Recertification for newly resettled refugees to meet US requirements.
  6. Transportation, when necessary, in connection with services and to keep employment.
  7. Translation & Interpretation, when necessary, in connection with services and to retain employment.
  8. Case Management Services: allows case workers to determine the appropriate service, referral, and follow-up necessary for each refugee client.
  9. Assistance obtaining Employment Authorization Documents.

English Language Training (ELT) is a program vital to ensuring the successful integration of refugees within the United States. Refugees are only eligible for ELT if enrolled in the Employability Services program.

ELT is offered in the following categories: beginner, intermediate, and other. ELT curriculum must be chosen from a nationally recognized set of curricula.

The Adjustment and Referrals (A&R) program is designed for refugees who do not require extensive case management. Through the A&R program Resettlement Agencies can refer clients to the following services which may include CFR 400.155):

    • Information and referral services
    • Emergency services
    • Health information (non-emergency or crisis)
    • Home management services
    • Childcare information
    • Transportation
    • Translation & interpreter services
    • Case management services; for a need other than employment
    • Immigration information

Legal Services are available only to eligible Afghan arrivals to provide the following immigration-related legal assistance authorized by the Office of Refugee Resettlement.

  1. Basic legal orientation on immigration statutes and immigration protections under the law.
  2. Conducting seminars, training, or workshops on relevant immigration-related legal assistance topics.
  3. Consulting with clients to obtain relevant information.
  4. Interviewing the client to obtain relevant information.
  5. Assisting in the replacement of lost or damaged immigration documents and/or assisting with the correction of incorrect immigration documents.
  6. Providing interpretation services to engage the client’s support in filling out relevant immigration forms.
  7. Translating relevant documents into the client’s preferred language to provide the client a greater understanding of the forms and the United States immigration system.
  8. Explaining relevant forms to the client.
  9. Physically filling out relevant forms.
  10. Retrieving supporting documentation for relevant forms.
  11. Providing guidance on fee waivers.
  12. Assisting in the logistics of securing fees for forms.
  13. Representing the client in an affirmative asylum interview or other mandatory in-person immigration-related legal assistance appointment.
  14. Responding to immigration-related inquiries from the United States Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration.
  15. Responding to United States Citizenship and Immigration Services inquiries, including requests for evidence or notices of intent to deny.

The Kansas Office for Refugees provides school & parental support through Refugee School Impact (RSI) programming. RSI is designed to promote academic performance and the successful integration of Office of Refugee Resettlement eligible children and youth from birth until the age of eighteen (18) by facilitating childcare & educational access and increasing the school district’s capacity to support children, youth, and families.

The ReCONNECT program provides services to Office of Refugee Resettlement eligible individuals between the ages of fifteen (15) and twenty-four (24). The ReCONNECT program promotes positive social and civic engagement and supports individual educational and vocational advancement through case management with positive adult mentors.

The Kansas Office for Refugee supports refugees’ Physical & Mental Health Education through the Refugee Health Promotion (RHP) program. The RHP program is a partnership between Kansas Office for Refugees, local healthcare providers, and Resettlement Agencies.

The RHP program provides:

  1. Health literacy workshops.
  2. Targeted outreach to identify those with the most pressing, persistent, or underserved health needs.
  3. Medical and mental health navigation and support services.
  4. Navigation for refugees through the United States healthcare system.
  5. Access to preventive and routine healthcare services.

These services are provided to all Office of Refugee Resettlement eligible individuals.

The SOR program increases integration and independent, healthy living for older Office of Refugee Resettlement eligible refugees, ages sixty and older.  The goal of the SOR program in Kansas is to provide a pathway toward naturalization by ensuring that all eligible refugees have access to appropriate knowledge and resources to integrate into their communities.  

The WF-TCP focuses on innovative approaches to provide more customized, culturally, and linguistically integrated services and resources for Office of Refugee Resettlement eligible families with children under the age of eighteen (18).

  1. Case Management services to support refugees in overcoming barriers to employment.
  2. WF Vocational English Language Training (WF-VELT) is a program designed to provide ELT specific to the industry or type of employment for Office of Refugee Resettlement eligible populations.

KSOR implements these programs through these partners. For a full list of programs, click here